english update – dec. 29, 2003
dear english speaking friends,
sorry for the long absence of english news about our family. but you can certainly imagine that it is hard enough to keep up with the german part of the site.
in any case, i'm sure that the pictures we post don't need much translation and so you were able to at least see about jacob's developments in the past 6 months.
we totally enjoy being the small family we are and martina and i are especially enjoying jacob growing up. with his 6 months he already is a great partner for (some) games and even without speaking (well he said “mumumumum” and “popopopop” but i guess that does not really count) he knows how to show us what he wants (or doesn't want for that matter…).
even if i would make a new year's resolution to write more in english i know already right now that i won't be able to hold it. sorry! but i hope it will be more often than every 6 months!
anyway, we wish every visitor of this site and especially all friends of our family near and far all the best for 2004. may all your wishes come true and may you and your loved ones stay healthy!
stay tuned (even if the news is in a language you can't read…) 😉
jacob, martina and joerg (in the name of the entire windbichler family)