wir wünschen allen freunden und verwandten ein gesegnetes und besinnliches weihnachtsfest! we wish all friends and folks a very merry christmas! die/the windbichler familie/family 😉
… und alles gute und viel erfolg, gesundheit und glück für 2006! to all our english friends and visitors: a very happy new year 2006!
wir wünschen allen unseren freunden, verwandten, bekannten und allen besuchern unserer website ein gesegnetes, besinnliches und frohes weihnachtsfest! mögen allen wünsche in erfüllung gehen! wir freuen uns jedenfalls bereits auf das leuchten in den augen der kinder! 😉 we wish all friends and family members and visitors of our website a blessed and merry christmas!… read more »
we are proud to announce that today our second child, johanna, was born. she and martina have done a wonderful job. she arrived at 10:03 am weighing 3370g (118 oz) and a stunning length of 51cm (20 in). jacob, martina and myself are overjoyed. here and here are the first pictures of our beautiful daughter!… read more »
wir wünschen allen unseren besuchern, lesern, freunden, verwandten und allen anderen, die damit noch nicht abgedeckt sind, ein gutes neues jahr 2005! happy new year to all visitors, readers, friends, family and all others who do not fall under these categories! ihre/eure/yours wibis
i have great news to report: on october 7, 2004, marcus andrew reynolds, gwen’s and chris’ second son and nathan’s brother was born! he has 3510g and is 51cm “tall”. the two boys are already “one heart and one soul” [click to enlarge] we are so happy for the little family and wish the four… read more »
jacob is one year old today! unbelievable how time flies (and how lazy i have been with updates to the english part of our family weblog). he is an incredibly sweet little boy. we are having so much fun with him! he makes us laugh as much as we try to make him laugh. unfortunately… read more »
well, unfortunately due to time constraints it's not really a full fledged update… ;-( only two sentences: jacob is developing great and is having an awesome time (at least we think he does). and martina and myself are enjoying it tremendously. best evidence: lots of pictures
dear english speaking friends, sorry for the long absence of english news about our family. but you can certainly imagine that it is hard enough to keep up with the german part of the site. in any case, i'm sure that the pictures we post don't need much translation and so you were able to… read more »
starting today we will have a truly english page! until now even on the english page of our website the headlines and posts were still in german. i will now try to regularly write an english version of the most important posts so that our english speaking friends around the world get an idea of… read more »