
Groucho Marx. “Those are my principles, and if you don't like them… well, I have others.” [Quotes of the Day]

“verlorene tage” nach ein paar abenden, an denen ich es nicht geschafft habe, jacob noch zu erwischen bevor er schlafen gegangen ist, ist mir folgendes durch den kopf gegangen: “ein tag, an dem ich nicht zumindest ein bis zwei stunden mit jacob verbringen kann, ist ein verlorener tag.” klingt zwar ein bisschen melodramatisch, aber so… read more »

Anonymous. “I am a Marxist–of the Groucho tendency.” [Quotes of the Day] dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen (siehe zitat unten)

Groucho Marx. “Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.” [Quotes of the Day]

Fred Hoyle. “Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.” [Quotes of the Day] wow! stimmt!

John Lennon. “Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” [Quotes of the Day]

Mark Twain. “Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” [Quotes of the Day]

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. “…when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” [Quotes of the Day]

Alice May Brock. “Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good.” [Quotes of the Day]

Denis Diderot. “Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting thing in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control.” [Quotes of the Day]

Jimmy Demaret. “Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.” [Quotes of the Day]

dank an hans & christa

ein sehr guter spruch, den wir anläßlich jacobs geburt von christa und hans schuhböck bekommen haben: man erzieht durch das, was man sagt, mehr noch, durch das, was man tut, am meisten durch das, was man ist!

Dandemis. “Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.” [Quotes of the Day]

Malcolm X. “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” [Quotes of the Day]

I found a great quote today! “Why would a group of users who outnumber the Mac users by a ratio of 30 to 1, be so concerned with 'defending' their choice? Even McDonald's customers know they're eating trash. They don't find it necessary to explain to decent restaurants that “Yeah, but it only takes this… read more »

Ellen Metcalf. “You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait.” [Quotes of the Day]

Henry Winkler. “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” [Quotes of the Day]

Stephen Ambrose. “The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.” [Quotes of the Day]

Agathon. “Even God cannot change the past.” [Quotes of the Day] Very, very interesting thought!

some quotes i just found in my palm: “the real problem most executives face isn't inadequate information – it's the organization's unwillingness to change behavior in the face of good information” (from HBR 9/97 p. 183) “variable kosten sind kosten, wo bei veränderungen keine entscheidung notwendig ist. fix sind jene, bei denen bei veränderungen entschieden… read more »

Cullen Hightower. “Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it.” [Quotes of the Day]

Latin Proverb. “Never give a child a sword.” [Quotes of the Day]

Malcolm Forbes. “Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” [Quotes of the Day]

Eddie Cantor. “Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” [Quotes of the Day] stop and smell the roses! (ringo starr) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dale Carnegie. “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do.” [Quotes of the Day]

Galileo Galilei. “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” [Quotes of the Day]

Sir Arnold Bax. “A sympathetic Scot summed it all up very neatly in the remark, “You should make a point of trying every experience once, excepting incest and folk dancing.”” [Quotes of the Day] ;-)))

Hermann Hesse. “If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.” [Quotes of the Day] how true!

John F. Kennedy. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” [Quotes of the Day]

David McCullough. “Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love.” [Quotes of the Day]

Izaak Walton. “Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing money can't buy.” [Quotes of the Day]

William Shakespeare. “Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.” [Quotes of the Day]

Plutarch. “Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.” [Quotes of the Day]

Frank Zappa. “Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.” [Quotes of the Day]

Benjamin Franklin. “Fish and visitors smell in three days.” [Quotes of the Day]

Howard Newton. “People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it.” [Quotes of the Day]

Lois McMaster Bujold. “A good friend of my son's is a son to me.” [Quotes of the Day]

“ich bin nicht 62, sondern 18 mit 44 jahren erfahrung” “i'm not 62 but 18 with 44 years of experience” no one else but chick corea! awesome!

Douglas Adams. “Life… is like a grapefruit. It's orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast.” [Quotes of the Day]

Napoleon Bonaparte. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” [Quotes of the Day]

Robert Orben. “I take my children everywhere, but they always find their way back home.” [Quotes of the Day]

George Price. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer?” [Quotes of the Day]

Norman Douglas. “If you want to see what children can do, you must stop giving them things.” [Quotes of the Day]

George S. Patton. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” [Quotes of the Day]

Walter Bagehot. “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” [Quotes of the Day]

Samuel Goldwyn. “I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs.” [Quotes of the Day]

Robert X. Cringely. “If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.” [Quotes of the Day]

Thomas Carlyle. “What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books.” [Quotes of the Day]

Doug Larson. “Few things are more satisfying than seeing your own children have teenagers of their own.” [Quotes of the Day] naja, hoffentlich denken wir uns das nicht auch bald… ๐Ÿ˜‰
