Gift Shop

Deutsche Version


Gifts are not welcome on board but if you insist, please help me fund a great cause!

An ex-colleague of mine, Thomas Kratky, is an active member of a charity named “run2gether Austria – Kenya” ( founded a little over 10 years ago. r2g is a non-profit running organization, which invites young Kenyan competitive athletes to Europe where they take part in running events and through participating in these, are then able to support their own and their families’ living in Kiambogo, Kenya.

Furthermore r2g has a program called “run2gether children”, which runs long-term social projects via sponsorships for especially poor children in Kiambogo.

The specialty of this charity is that 100% of the donations end up in Kiambogo as Thomas flies to Africa himself and invests the money by buying all goods locally for the population.

At the moment, the main project is planning and implementing the improvement of the water supply. In 2019 an ear, nose and throat examination of all kids is planned as well. This will be supported also by other organizations like the Red Cross etc.

It would be great if I could hand over a notable sum to Thomas at the end of June. So, if you want to make a gift, please donate to this charity.

Thank you very much in advance!

Please send any donations to IBAN AT24 3200 0000 0015 1068 (Account name Joerg Windbichler)

Thank you very, very much!


Here is a list of projects which have already been successfully implemented in the past years: (German only)